Infinite Health Concepts


Procrastination and the power of action
Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, mindset

Procrastination And The Power of Action

Except for a select few people, who has not struggled with procrastination in their life? Tax returns, cleaning out the garage, writing a blog, just to name a few. But what does the Power of Action has to do with it? Let’s delve into Procrastination And The Power Of Action   Taking action is something we often underestimate. How often do you hear people wanting to write that blog or increase their exercise say that it’s so hard because they lack enough motivation and if only somebody could help them to get motivated. They often become experts in procrastination. But here is the crunch. Nobody can motivate you. Looking for external help is shifting the responsibility away from yourself. Even if you find the magician (ie personal trainer, coach, therapist…) who makes you feel motivated you need to be careful to make sure that the motivation comes from within yourself. It needs to be a goal that is important enough to you and aligns with your values. Because if your motivation is based on the other person’s support and what they do to keep you interested, as soon as something changes that relationship, your motivation disappears as well. And changes to that relationship are easy. The coach might go on holidays, they say something that triggers you and all of a sudden you lost trust in them and the list goes on. Look at the example of professional sports people. They do not wait for the elusive feeling of motivation to start training or adjust their diet accordingly. They have a goal in their sight and they are going for it, pretty much every day. I can only imagine how often their alarm goes off in the morning and the last thing they want to do is to go to training.   Take Action What keeps them going? They take action. Simple as that. They don’t care how they feel. Even if they feel like procrastination, they just take action. And the reason they take action is, that they are fully committed to the outcome, the goal. They want to be the best in their field. And only if they have that drive, are they able to stay committed. But every time they do get out of bed, they are creating a neuronal path that is the foundation of a habit – the habit of an action, in this case getting out of bed early to go to training. And herein lies the secret, often we’re giving our thoughts and emotions way too much power.  I’m feeling uninspired, I can’t possibly do stuff today. I’m anxious, so I better stay at home. However what happens if we give in, we’re communicating to our subconscious that we are powerless. Our subconscious gets messages from various directions, some come from the outside, some come from our self-talk, some from our actions and some from so deep within our unconscious that we are not even aware of them. Ultimately the subconscious listens to the loudest and most dominant input. Actions, when taken, have a very strong input, as has our self-talk. How to step into action? Action has a lot of power. The question is, how can we help ourselves to step into action? When procrastinating, there are two options according to a 2014 study at the University of Chicago. One option is that if we focus on what is not yet accomplished, we are motivated to move into action. The other option is to focus on what we already have accomplished it helps us to do move into action. Focus on what has not been accomplished This only works well if you are fully committed to the desired outcome. The most extreme example would be somebody who had a life altering accident and they need to do rehab to regain their full mobility. There is a strong commitment to the outcome at the end. The person wants to get well. Another example is that sports person who dreams of winning the Gold Medal. For these people it’s best to focus on what they haven’t accomplished yet, such as to be able to walk unaided for a certain number of steps. Focus on what already has been accomplished This is a great way to move into action for people who are not certain about their commitment to the goal. Examples could be studying for an exam for a school subject that is not very interesting or finishing a task at work that is not particularly appealing. If a person focuses on what they have already achieved they are more likely to move into action such as bringing into focus all the chapters they already have revised in preparation. What does that mean for you? Next time you struggle with procrastination or motivation to do something, think about how important the outcome is for you. How committed are you to the outcome? If there is a strong commitment to the end result, then focus on what needs to be done, develop an action plan and get going. And with every action that you take you are convincing your subconscious to continue. If you are not strongly committed to the outcome at the end, then focus on what you already have achieved. Look back at all the action that you have already taken.   And if you struggle with chronic procrastination or lack of motivation and need more help, feel free to reach out. E-mail: Book free 30min online exploration session: Free Online Exploration Session References: Koo, M., & Fishbach, A. (2008). Dynamics of self-regulation: How (un)accomplished goal actions affect motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(2), 183–195.

Hypnosis For Emotional Eating
Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, mindset

Intention – The Power Behind Every Action

Why a blog about intention? Is it important?   Intention is a mental state that guides our actions and shapes our reality. It is a force that drives us towards our goals and helps us to manifest the things we desire in our lives. The power of intention has been recognized and studied by philosophers, spiritual leaders, and scientists for thousands of years, and it has been found to have a profound impact on the quality of our lives.   Why is intention important?   It helps you to clarify your goals and priorities. By setting a clear intention, you focus your mind and energy on what you want to achieve. It makes it easier to achieve what you want. Intention Increases motivation and determination. When you have a strong intention, you are more likely to take the necessary steps to make it a reality. Individuals with high levels of motivation and determination are more likely to succeed in their goals. It improves focus and concentration. Intention helps you stay focused and on track, even in the face of obstacles and challenges.  If you set a clear intention are more likely to remain focused and engaged on your task. It creates a positive mindset. Intention can help you cultivate a positive and optimistic outlook, which in turn attracts positive experiences and outcomes. If you have a positive mindset are more likely to experience happiness and success in life. Intention aligns your actions with your values. When you have a clear intention, you are more likely to make choices that align with your values and beliefs. Research found that individuals who align their actions with their values are more likely to experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life.   How to set intention in your life   Is there a special way how to set intentions? I don’t necessarily believe in prescribing how to do it, but here are some suggestions that I find helpful:   Be clear about what you want. Take some time to reflect on what you really want in life and what kind of person you want to be. Research has shown that individuals who take the time to reflect on their goals are more likely to achieve them. Set an intention every morning. Focus on your intention daily. Remind yourself of your intention throughout the day and visualize it as already being a reality. Studies have shown that visualization and positive affirmations can be effective in helping individuals to achieve their goals. Take action towards your intention. Take small, consistent steps towards your goal, no matter how small. Research has shown that taking consistent action is a key factor in achieving success. Stay positive and believe in your intention. A positive mindset and a believe in the power of your intention makes it more likely that you achieve your result as it motivates you to keep going even in the face of adversity.   To sum it up, intention is a powerful tool that can help you create the life you want. By setting clear intentions, focusing on them daily, and taking consistent action towards them, you can tap into the power of intention and transform your life for the better. What are you waiting for?   If you need some help with setting intentions and really use it in your life, feel free to get in touch and book in for a free 30min exploration session to find out more:   References: Oettingen, G. & Mayer, D (2002) The Motivating Function Of Thinking About The Future: Expectations vs Fantasies, J Pers Soc Psychol. 2002 Nov;83(5):1198-212. Ryan, M.R. & Deci E.L. (2000): Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-Being, Am Psychol. 2000 Jan;55(1):68-78. Travers, C.J. Morsano, D., Locke, E.A. (2015) Self-Reflection, Growth Goals. And Academic Outcomes: A Qualitative Study, Br J Educ Psychol. 2015 Jun;85(2):224-41.

Image of COVID virus and text with COVID-19 and Coronavirus. How to deal with Omicron
hypnotherapy, mindset

COVID – What To Do?

COVID – What To Do What’s the current status? COVID with its Omicron variant has thoroughly spread worldwide, the chances of getting COVID are much higher. It is somewhat reassuring that according to a South African Study an infection with Omicron has a 70% chance of getting seriously ill compared to infection with Delta. We still don’t know about some of the long term effects of a COVID infection and if Omicron causes long COVID. However we do know that even a mild COVID infection can cause long COVID, so ideally it’s still better to avoid getting sick with COVID   Simple steps to reduce the likely hood to attract COVID (as much as possible) Get vaccinated, and if you are eligible, get the booster. It won’t necessarily stop you from getting COVID, but if you get infected with COVID, your immune system is already primed to deal with it. As a result the disease is going to be milder. According to research by the Australian Kirby Institute an mRNA booster is 86.2% effective against symptomatic infections and 98.2% effective against severe infection in the Omicron variant. In your day to day life, practice good hygiene i.e. washing your hands regularly, keeping physical distance from people, wear a N95 or P2 facemask they provide better protection When you catch up with people, choose well ventilated places or meet outdoors. If you are concerned that you might have gotten too close to an infected person you can immediately after the exposure gargle with Betadine. It also helps to spray some Fess into your nostrils or if you have use a Neti pot. The aim is to reduce the viral load in your nose and throat area by diluting it.   What can I do to support my body? It’s all about having a super fit immune system. Eat a colourful diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables. We have an abundance of fresh plant foods which are all fantastic supporting your immunity Even though it’s summer, if you know that your Vit D levels are on the lower side, take a Vitamin D supplement. It’s not only great for your immunity, it also supports your bone health. General supplements that help and support your immunity are Zinc and Vitamin C. Mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake and Cordyceps are also fantastic. They supporting the immune system. If you want to find out more how to support your immune system, feel free to inquire about a naturopathic consult: Contact Your Lifestyle choices make a huge difference to your immune system as well. having adequate sleep (generally 7-8 hours per night), spending time out in nature and exercising without overdoing it all support your body and immune system Keep a positive mindset. With all the news (and often negative) swirling around, don’t let yourself sucked into a bad mood. Our immune system needs endorphins (happy hormones) to function optimally. So, be elective with what you pay attention to. Make time to find positive things in your life. Practice gratitude, it makes a huge difference to your state of mind. What can I do if I get COVID? Rest. Give your body time and space to heal. Be gentle with yourself. If you feel sleepy, sleep. Even if you work from home, it’s best to take a couple of days off if you can, just to give your body a break so it can heal itself With regards to your nutrition, it is pretty much the same approach as outlined above, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids. Avoid alcohol, refined foods and high sugar foods. They all put a strain on the body Watch a comedy. It’s once more all about your endorphins. When you laugh, you produce a lot of them and they boost your immune function, helping your body to overcome the virus. What happens after I had  COVID? I’m not sure if there is a sure way to avoid long COVID. However after every viral infection it is important to allow the body to slowly return to its normal equilibrium. Even though you are no longer infectious you still might experience fatigue for another couple of weeks. Return to your normal day to day life, but be gentle with yourself. Have more rest periods than you usually have Slowly get back into exercise, don’t overdo it. Gentle exercise like walking is great. You can find some great tips on the Vida Lifestyle Blog Post about COVID If you experience any leftover body aches and pains, have a chat to your Chiropractor and have a look at Vida’s Blog Post Continue with a diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables.  

Christmas Stress
hypnotherapy, Mental Health, mindset

3 Tips To Manage Pre Christmas Stress

3 Tips To Manage Pre-Christmas Stress And here we are – coming to the end of the year. If you are feeling a bit stressed and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. After having been in lockdown for months once more this year, it can all seem a bit much to get back into the normal life and prepare for the end of the year and Christmas. There is all the excitement of meeting friends and family again, squeezing it all into the diary and for lot of us it also means preparing for a well-deserved Christmas celebration as well. But instead of feeling joy, we start to feel stress creeping up on us. Here are 3 tips and tricks that I found to be helpful myself: Take time to Breathe A few times per day stop for a 3-4 cycles of conscious breathing. Breathing in through your nose and slowly breathing out through your mouth with pursed lips, making the exhalation a bit longer than the inhalation. This puts our body into the calmer part of the nervous system and allows us to slow down. I tend to do that 3-4 times throughout the day. You can even set a reminder alarm on your phone to help you to remember to do it. Appreciate Nature Paying attention to nature outside. Whenever I am outside, either for a walk, or when being on an errand I make a point of noticing any trees or flowers. Right now with all the rain we had everything is so lush and green and I noticed a lot of purple flowers around. Appreciating the beauty of nature helps me every time to calm down and become more grounded again Practice Gratitude Every night when I go to bed I make a point of thinking of three things I have been grateful for that day. That could be something beautiful I’ve seen, something I achieved or finished, a friend I met with. It allows me to take stock of the day and really appreciate the day for what it was, instead of getting a sense that it just passed by in a blur of activity. In Summary The time around Christmas and the New Year is such a special time of the year and it doesn’t matter if you are religious or not. It’s just a sense that the year does come to an end and most of us are going to have a break. It’s a time to take stock of the year that has been and making plans for the year to come. So it is sad if in the weeks leading up to it we get stressed out to make it all as perfect as possible. Maybe, it’s time to embrace imperfection, allow ourselves to just be and let go of stress. For more information on stress, you can also read this post

Woman tired of lockdown fatigue
hypnotherapy, mindset

Tips To Beat Lockdown Fatigue

Tips to Beat Lockdown Fatigue Let’s face it, it’s been a hard few months. We had to realise that the latest short and sharp lockdown in Melbourne hasn’t been so short and sharp after all. We all are starting to feel kind of exhausted, welcome to the Lockdown Fatigue or maybe you want to call it Lockdown Blues. It’s a well know aspect of spending time in lockdown. The end to it will still take a little while. My respect for all those parents home schooling and a special shout out to all the single mothers (and some fathers) who bear the brunt of it themselves. You all have done an amazing job. Thank you to the teachers who have bent over backwards to make it all happen and thank you to all the staff in health care, making sure that we are looked after and can get vaccinated. Strategies that can help Over the past few months I’ve learnt by trial and error a few strategies that were very helpful to me coping with what is going on. They allowed me to show up every day and still feel that I’m actually enjoying life. I’m sharing them here, hoping they will help you as well over the next few weeks: Limit the time you follow the news. I find this hard myself as I like to keep informed, but I have limited my time, as I found if I get too involved I get anxious. Limit the time spent on social media. Whilst its great to connect to people, it can also open a can of worms regarding discussions – choose what you follow based on what makes you feel good! Meditate every day. Because it can be still quite cold in the mornings, I’ve given up on the “proper” practice of sitting down to mediate for the time being. I just do it while I’m still cosy in bed. By the time I get up, I feel awake and ready for the day Go for a walk every day and enjoy the nature around you. It does lift the mood. Listen to great music and dance for yourself. I find that this always makes me feel better. Have a structure for your day – the more structure you have the easier it is to get through the day. Every day list 3 things that you are grateful for. It reminds you that there are always some positive things in life Contact a friend every day. It helps you to stay connected to people. Kindness With Yourself And Others Be kind to yourself and others. We live in unprecedented times. The last pandemic was last century, so there are not many people around who remember it at all. Life is different and will be for a little while. It’s important to accept that and make the best out of it. Nobody has the perfect script how to deal with it and we all are trying our best. The good news is, that we as humans are incredibly adaptable, quite often more than we give ourselves credit for. 

Woman struggling with IBS pain
hypnotherapy, mindset

Hypnotherapy Can Control IBS

Hypnotherapy Can Control IBS Do you or someone you know live with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? IBS is a condition that up to 15% of the worldwide population are struggling with but often it takes a while to be diagnosed, or it’s misdiagnosed. This is because many people struggle with digestive symptoms but never mention them to a doctor.  It’s common to try many IBS treatments and remedies on your own — probiotics, avoiding spicy foods, or going gluten-free. In the meantime you walk around wondering what is going on with your gut.  When you have IBS — life can be rather debilitating for the people who live with it, with symptoms like altered bowel habits, discomfort, bloating and/or pain. A restricted diet is not a long term solution IBS sufferers commonly have had tests to check for intolerances, maybe even having a colonoscopy and then often end up on a very restricted FODMAP diet. (FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols).  The problem is that the FODMAP diet was only ever considered a short term solution. But very often people end up having a very restricted eating plant for the rest of their lives.  And to make matters worse I have often found that clients who come to see me have restricted their diets even further and thereby having a very limited number of foods. But what if the problem wasn’t so much about the food that you are eating but about the communication within your body? What if there was a way to address IBS by addressing this communication within your body? What if there was an IBS treatment that is approx. 70% effective? See this Monash University Article for further information. There needed to be a new approach to IBS. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could send your digestive tract soothing messages? The people that come to my clinic, are often seeking a new option to treat their IBS. They just want to return to “normalcy.” They want to be able to live their life and plan ahead without worrying that they won’t be well.  We have learnt over the past few years that there is a strong connection between the Mind and the Gut. This connection goes in both directions. A disturbed connection between the gut and the brain can trigger the many possible symptoms of IBS — and play a role in other problems. The microbes in our gut are in close proximity to the nervous system of our body. They can pick up information coming down from the nervous system about us being stressed or anxious. In turn those microbes send signals back to the mind, and in the process often re-enforcing the message and even altering our mood. Introducing, Gut-directed hypnotherapy Gut-directed hypnotherapy is an IBS treatment that uses hypnosis and directly addresses the impact the mind has on the gut.  During gut directed hypnotherapy the hypnotherapist works with the client on changing the symptoms. The therapist uses different techniques such as guided visualisations or direct suggestions.  How it works Patients meet me in person or by video-conference. And I guide them step by step into a relaxed state. Once patients enter the hypnotic state, they are taken through visualisation exercises and hear suggestions designed to calm their digestive tract and wean them away from focusing on gut sensations. Stress has a very strong influence on IBS symptoms. Another part of the therapy addresses the body’s response to stress and how to calm down the nervous system. (If you would like find out easy ways to reduce your stress, go to our Relaxation Toolbox). And finally hypnotherapy also addresses underlying subconscious beliefs that feed the dysfunction of the gut. In addition client gets a take home recording to listen to. This recording helps them to really strengthen the suggestions given to them during therapy sessions Ideally when working with this approach over time, the person is able to re-introduce more foods into the diet. At this stage an analysis of the gut microbiome can provide very useful information. It tells us what foods to increase in the diet and which foods to avoid in order to support healthy gut microbes that leave you in control of your IBS.  

Changing Habits
food, hypnotherapy, Mental Health, mindset, overeating, self-talk

Resistance Is Futile

How Focussing On Not Wanting To Do something Is Counterproductive Have you ever tried not to think of a purple turtle? No not really (and let’s be honest, generally purple turtles are the last thing on people’s mind), but now you’re actually thinking about the purple turtle because I mentioned it. And if I now asked you not to think about the purple turtle, you would still have it on your mind. The same happens when you think about habits or behaviours that you want to change. This is because our brain is not really good in recognising a no or a not in a thought, it rather focusses on the subject of the thought. If you think you don’t want to eat chocolate or lollies, then despite telling yourself not to do it, all you do is draw your attention to chocolate or lollies. The same goes for not wanting to snack after dinner, all you do is to draw attention to snacking after dinner. So what’s a better way to change unwanted habit, behaviours or recurrent thoughts? If you want to change a habit, a behaviour or recurrent thoughts, it’s relatively simple: First you have to have the intention to change. Then you decide that you want to focus on something entirely different. If it comes to eating chocolate or lollies, what is it you could do instead every time the thought of chocolate or lollies comes up? You might want to brainstorm those ideas, they could be simply just having a glass of water or having a piece of fruit instead. Same goes for snacking after dinner, what could you focus on instead when the thought comes up? What other activity would take your mind off snacking? It could be doing a puzzle, going for a walk, playing with your pet etc. Whatever works for you. When it comes to unwanted thoughts consider what you could think about instead. If it is repetitive negative self talk, then find a positive statement that you can think of instead and most importantly that resonates with you. Regardless if it is a habit, a behaviour or a thought, you can also have a rubber band or elastic hairband on your wrist. Every time you start to go down that old road of the unwanted behaviour or thought you snap that elastic band to remind you of your alternative and then do the alternative action or think the alternative thought. Why does it work? Our brain can be pretty stubborn with its habitual thought patterns. The snap of the rubber band acts as an interruption to your thought pattern and gives you that precious little break to change. The message is – don’t resist what you don’t want to do or think but focus on what you want to do or think instead. The great news is that hypnotherapy is quite effective in helping you to achieve that more easily. If you want to learn more Book your free exploration session today – no strings attached. If you’d like to learn more about Negative Self Talk, read our previous The Power Of Self-Talk How To Empower Your Inner Voice

hypnotherapy, mindset

Introduction to Hypnotherapy

Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself? Perhaps you want to relieve anxiety or depression? Or maybe you want to change your eating habits or improve your sleep patterns. More often than not, when we attempt to change certain behaviours ourselves, we’re blocked by ingrained beliefs and thought patterns. Instead of welcoming our determination to change, we reject anything that goes against what we believe about ourselves. The problem is, the walls we build up around ourselves, or the guards we establish to reinforce our sense of self, are subconscious barriers. This means they’re hard to penetrate on a conscious level, often leaving us feeling helpless when we attempt to change negative behaviours or self-perceptions. It’s possible to shift our underlying beliefs, but this can be a slow, hard process, which is why hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for reprogramming our brains because it allows direct access to the subconscious mind. In the same way we breathe automatically, hypnotherapy naturally allows us to change the way we perceive ourselves. Think of it like upgrading your computer: Hypnotherapy allows us to function smoothly, remove vulnerabilities to malicious software and improve performance. In other words, hypnotherapy allows us to reprogram the subconscious. So, what exactly is the subconscious mind, and what’s stopping us from changing it? The subconscious controls our habits and emotions. It stores everything we’ve ever thought, imagined, believed, heard, learned, said, seen, felt and smelled. It also determines our sense of safety and pleasure. Unlike the conscious mind, which allows us to make voluntary and calculated decisions, the unconscious mind has an enduring presence. This is why it’s so difficult to change habits or ingrained beliefs. Protecting the subconscious is what’s known as the “critical filter”, which is the gatekeeper between your conscious and subconscious mind, and having the power to accept or reject fresh information or ideas. Hypnotherapy allows us to relax the critical factor and send positive messages directly to the subconscious. Instead of slowly convincing the subconscious otherwise, hypnotherapy rapidly reprograms the mind. How can hypnotherapy benefit me? Hypnotherapy can benefit you in many ways, including: Smoking addiction Overeating, weight loss and sugar addiction IBS management Insomnia and sleep improvement Pain and bereavement Anxiety and depression Whatever your circumstances, hypnotherapy will help you absorb positive messages and clear out negative ones that prevent you from living your best life. How do I know if hypnotherapy is right for me? Hypnotherapy works best when you are receptive to change and open to the treatment. Infinite Health Concepts offers a free exploration session to provide more information about hypnotherapy and determine your needs, which if you’re new to hypnotherapy is a great way to learn more and decide if the treatment is right for you. Contact us today for your free, no-obligation consultation.

Destructive Self Talk
mindset, self-talk

The Power of Self-Talk: How to Empower Your Inner Voice

What we tell ourselves determines how we see and feel about ourselves, so why does self-talk become self-sabotage for so many of us? “You’re an idiot, not good enough, not capable. You’ll fail, why bother?” You wouldn’t let someone else speak to you like that, so why allow your inner dialogue to take over your mindset in this way? Self-Talk = Self-Sabotage We’re always talking to ourselves, but rarely pay attention to what’s being said or where it comes from. However, when we lift the curtain of our subconscious, we shine a light on the thoughts and beliefs that make us who we are. It’s not always a pleasant sight. As you move through this time of global uncertainty, your inner dialogue has probably become louder. With more time to spend by yourself, your negative self-talk is inevitably amplified. You might have lost your job or now spend your days working from home. Or maybe you’ve had to adjust to social distancing restrictions, giving up weekend brunches and personal training sessions for a more self-directed and individual approach to life. If your inner dialogue once played a supporting role for your mental health, don’t worry if negative self-talk is taking centre stage. What’s important is learning how to change your internal dialogue from being an antagonistic villain to an empowering hero. Just lift the curtain of your mind and turn on the spotlight. Who’s Behind the Curtain? So, you’re ready to interrogate your internal dialogue and start your journey of empowerment. But first, you need to understand the characteristics of your negative self-talk. These fall into four categories: Catastrophising: You always expect the worst and override logic with forceful emotion, thinking your life is a tragedy waiting to happen. Personalising: You believe everything’s always your fault and your life is likely filled with shame and guilt. Mental Filter or Magnifying: While catastrophising is about expecting the worst, magnifying only shows you the worst. This can lead to being incapable of acknowledging positive forces and feeling like you’re drowning in the negative aspects of life. All or Nothing/Black or White Thinking: You see the world as black or white—there’s no in-between. This means you think there’s no way out, leaving you feeling trapped and powerless. If you’re having trouble identifying what kind of negative self-talk you suffer, write a list of your critical thoughts. Documenting self-talk will help you become aware of your inner dialogue. It will also help you form a plan to build positive self-talk. Are You Ready to Flip the Switch? Transforming your self-talk from negative to positive takes persistence, just like forming any other positive habit. Changing your perspective may be easier said than done. This is because it’s easier to say discouraging things about yourself than it is to prove negative self-talk wrong. Even if it seems like an uphill battle, always remember: You have the power. Ultimately, you can be the master of your thoughts even if it takes a little extra time and effort. But before you practice positive self-talk, you need a plan. The most effective way to see the way forward is to understand where your negative self-talk comes from. Unravel your mind and expose your thoughts for what they are. Determine what areas of your life need attention or what areas you can draw strength from. If you’re prepared to deal with negative self-talk as it occurs, you’ll be able to remain present and poised in your quest to change your perspective. So, where are you at with your inner dialogue? Have you experienced a toxic takeover? Are you struggling to manage negative thoughts as they arise? Or do you need to look deeper into what shapes your negative self-talk? If you want to delve deeper and begin your transformation, take advantage of our complimentary exploration session. We’ll help you identify your negative self-talk and show you how to transform your inner dialogue into an empowering, optimistic voice. Book your free exploration session today – no strings attached.

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