Meet Stephanie Rother

Stephanie Rother is the founder and director of Infinite Health Concepts, a clinic that inspires natural wellbeing by working on the mind-body connection.
Through informed choices, Stephanie empowers her clients to take the steps needed to regain control of their health, emotionally and physically. She brings to her work empathy, depth of experience and an optimistic spirit as she enables clients to discover previously unknown parts of themselves.
Even as a child, Stephanie had an inner knowing that she was here to “help people”. This desire grew when, as an adult, she had severe eczema and debilitating episodes of anxiety. In her quest to heal, she entered an intensive process of self-discovery, change and ultimately, a life-changing discovery of natural medicine.
Today, Stephanie is committed to making a positive difference by helping people feel better in themselves and their body. She believes in collaboration, good books and gelati.